A Guide To Professional Seawall Inspection

Maintaining the structural integrity of your seawall is crucial for protecting your property from erosion and flooding. Regular seawall inspections are essential to identify any issues early on and prevent costly damage in the long run. When you hire a professional service to conduct a seawall inspection, here's what they will check for to ensure the effectiveness and stability of your seawall.

Assessment of Structural Stability

During a seawall inspection, the service will assess the overall structural stability of the seawall. This involves checking for any signs of cracking, shifting, or settlement that could compromise the wall's ability to withstand wave action and water pressure. The inspector will closely examine the entire length of the seawall to identify any areas of concern that may require immediate attention.

Evaluation of Material Degradation

Another critical aspect of a seawall inspection is evaluating the material condition of the seawall. Over time, exposure to saltwater can cause deterioration of materials such as concrete, steel, or wood used in construction. The inspector will look for signs of corrosion, spalling, or decay that could weaken the seawall and reduce its effectiveness in protecting your property.

Detection of Drainage Issues

Proper drainage is essential for ensuring the longevity of a seawall. During an inspection, the service will check for any drainage issues that could lead to water accumulation behind the seawall. Poor drainage can increase hydrostatic pressure on the wall, causing it to fail prematurely. The inspector will ensure that drainage systems such as weep holes or toe drains are functioning correctly to prevent water buildup and potential damage.

Identification of Vegetation Growth

Vegetation growth along or near the seawall can pose a threat to its structural integrity. Tree roots can penetrate through cracks in the wall or undermine its foundation, leading to instability and failure. During an inspection, the service will look for any signs of vegetation growth that may need to be addressed to prevent damage to the seawall.

Assessment of Wave Action Impact

Seawalls are designed to withstand wave action and protect coastal properties from erosion. During an inspection, the service will evaluate how well the seawall is handling wave impact and whether any modifications are needed to enhance its performance. The inspector will assess factors such as wave height, frequency, and angle of attack to determine if the seawall is adequately protecting your property.

Contact a company like Reuben Clarson Consulting to learn more. 
