What You Need To Obtain A Manufactured Home Foundation Certification

A manufactured home foundation certification is a document that certifies that a manufactured home is properly installed on its foundation and meets all local building codes and regulations. There are several things that you need in order to obtain a manufactured home foundation certification.

Completed Foundation Certification Form

The first thing you will need for a manufactured home foundation certification is a completed foundation certification form. This form must be completed by the manufacturer or an authorized representative and must include all relevant information about the manufactured home and its foundation, including the make, model, and serial number of the home, as well as the size and type of foundation.

Copy of the Installation Manual

In addition to the foundation certification form, you will also need to provide a copy of the installation manual. The installation manual should include detailed instructions for installing the manufactured home on its foundation, as well as any applicable safety information.

You should have a foundation manual, but don't submit your copy. You might need it in the future. Instead, as the manufacturer or your contractor for a second copy of the manual. If you have a common foundation, the entity that issues your manufactured home foundation certification might already have a manual on file.

Photos of the Installed Home

You will need to provide photographs of the manufactured home as it was installed on its foundation, including views of the exterior, interior, and all four sides of the home. These photographs will be used to verify that the home was installed properly and meets all relevant building codes and regulations. 

If you take the photographs yourself, speak with the foundation certifier about exactly what they need to see. Alternatively, have your contractor take the photographs. They might be willing to at no additional charge.

Copy of the Building Permit

If a building permit was required for the installation of the manufactured home, you will need to provide a copy of the permit. The building permit is a legal document that verifies that the home was installed in accordance with all relevant building codes and regulations. You can obtain a building permit copy from your town/county or contractor.

Site Plan

A site plan should show the location of the manufactured home on the property, as well as the location of any utilities and other structures. Your contractor who built the foundation should already have this.
